"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
It's referred to as a 'golden rule' for a reason and I think often times, it's completely overlooked or totally shrugged off. Lately I've been very conscious of this saying and have been trying to live by it, although of course not 100% of the time (it's hard).
But being kind and offering a hand is one thing, but what do you do when your hand becomes a doormat? Are you supposed to just stop and be selfish, or shrug it off and continue even when your actions and words aren't exactly reciprocated or appreciated? If you know me well, you know that this is and has always been a problem for me.
Well after a series of events I think I'm going to start figuring it all out, it'll get messy but I'm up for it.
On a lighter note (: I'm going to be handing in all of my garments on Thursday.
woo hoooo!!
I also bought a one-way ticket back to California for only 99$ what a deal. I'll be back home at 9:56 pm on June 2.