So 10 more days until Spring semester starts up and 4 more months until I’m done with college. I must say, the last 4 years have been crazy, but one of the greatest things that I’ve learned is that I am capable of doing a lot but only with the help from my One and Only.
I’ve been living in New York, attending a school that asks for sweat, tears, and blood (seriously), and braving actual FREEZING winters. And through all of this I have who I really am, for now, and what I like and dislike…for instance:
*I would never again choose to live in New York City. I was born and raised in Southern California and truly am a Californian. NYC is great and I know there’s nothing quite like it, but I need the sunshine and cannot be in layers of clothes for 3 months. There’s a lot more to this and you can ask me about it if you’re curious.
*I need my sleep. Granted I can do with about 5 hours, but that is significantly more than what the average Parsons student gets. I cannot complain…I did not stay up past 2 am last semester and that’s kind of a huge feat for a senior in Fashion Design. The reason that I manage to get a good few hours in every night is because 1) I’ve become ridiculously anal about organizing and managing my time to the point where if I dont have things written down on my planner I kind of panic :/ and 2) I have learned that even when I lose a couple of hours of sleep, my body starts to deteriorate. I mean I’m completely unable to function and am overcome with a constant feeling of nausea and other not so good feelings. I think I have a weak immune system or something. It’s probably something I should have checked out.
* Long distance relationships SUCK! yet I’ve been in one for almost 4 years now…my whole college life, and why have I endured such suckiness? Well, I guess because he’s pretty much the greatest guy ever. 4 more months of this stupid suckiness and no more I say. And as much as it’s been a huge stinker I must quote my friend Mal, (who has also been in one for the same amount of time) “we’re awesome for being able to do it.”
*I love my roomie Jenny but I would love her more if I had my own bedroom (: Seriously, she’s great and we get along fine, but after 4 years of sharing a bedroom with people, I would really appreciate my own room and I’m sure you guys can all understand.
*The only reason I’ve gotten through these 4 years is because I have had to put all of my trust and faith in God. I do worry about the future and if I’ll manage to get a good job, but it seems that every time I doubt, God shows me that He has it all figured out. My faith drives me to do my best in everything I’m put into because really, that’s all I can do.
I guess that’s all for now. I need to head off to school and for the next 9 days, I’ll be working my tail off.
April 9, 2009, I cannot wait for you to get here. That’s when our collection has to be done and turned in. After that all we really have left are presentations and portfolios. Then graduation and all of that good stuff. (:
PS. It’s 7 degrees outside right now. It’s so cold that I’ve actually decided to wear my uggs…i know, it’s just THAT cold